Dance Laugh Live
Dance Laugh Live at Mr Dickie Bows we really enjoy seeing the smiley happy faces of the people who come and dance with us. Doesn’t matter about your age with cater for everyone and the age group that come to our dance classes range from 16 – 90 so a very wide diverse variety of age and ability.
If you are feeling down or in need of some social interaction or want to up your activity level in a fun way then why not come along to our very friendly classes. You will soon make new friends and could increase your daily steps by a good 5000-7000. We also have a very varied combination of people, couples and singles alike. The structure of the class enables everyone to get a dance and to learn. We never insist you change partners it does help your learning journey but we want you to be comfortable this seems to work well and we find in time as you make new friends and adjust you will want to spread your wings. If you come as a single person you will get to dance as there are many that come who support our new beginners and for that I am very grateful – but they were in your shoes once so they are very supportive. Everyone wants you to succeed so if you have any doubts why not come along to our next class and try, if it’s not for you – that’s fine, we understand that it is not for everyone. But you won’t know unless you try.
Tony & Rose have extensive knowledge of their dance and will ensure you receive the correct instruction for technique – posture and floor craft. Should you require any help regarding the class they are always available to run over any points that you have found difficult.
Please put any of your fears aside and join us on a Thursday in Rawreth for 50s Rock n Roll or Monday in Ashingdon SS4 3HF for a 40s swing jive class – you are welcome.
Dance Laugh Live – Contact Mr Dickie Bows